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Determination Of The Settling Velocity Didactic Equipment Vocational Education Equipment Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipment

Item No.: HM 135
Determination Of The Settling Velocity Didactic Equipment Vocational Education Equipment Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipment
HM 135 Determination Of The Settling Velocity Didactic Equipment Vocational Education Equipment Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipment

Vertically falling body in liquid using specimens of different sizes and different materials
- settling velocity of spheres of various diameters and densities
Learning objectives/experiments
- influence of the following parameters on the settling velocity of spheres:
-- diameter of the sphere
-- density of the sphere
-- density of the fluid
-- viscosity of the fluid
[1] experimental unit to determine the settling velocity of different spheres
[2] 2 transparent cylinders
[3] marking of the measuring section
[4] cover with guide tube to insert the sphere

[5] sluice to remove the spheres from the cylinder
[6] 10 spheres of various densities and diameters
[7] 2 areometers to determine the density of the fluids
[8] stopwatch to measure the sedimentation time
Technical data
2 cylinders
- inner Ø: 92mm each
- height: 1330mm each
- sink height: 1000mm each
- aluminium (density: 2,7kg/dm3)
-- 2x 5mm Ø
-- 2x 10mm Ø
- polyoxymethylene (POM), density: 1,41kg/dm3
-- 2x 5mm Ø
-- 2x 10mm Ø
- polyamide (PA), density: 1,13kg/dm3
-- 2x 10mm Ø
Measuring ranges
- density: 1x 0,8...1,0kg/dm3, 1x 1,0...1,2kg/dm3
LxWxH: 720x640x1650mm
Weight: approx. 45kg